Page dedicated to Web publication course. In the sub nav menu are links to readme files or links to each of my projects separately. So go check them out :+1:!

Task which I am working on

Name of task: Assigment 1
Percentage: 100%

Subtask Description
Create navigation. Create proper navigation menu.
Create layouts. Create proper layouts.
Create content. Create blog content, etc.

Name of task: Assigment 2
Percentage: 100%

Subtask Description
Get to know the assigment. What I need to actually do - write it down.
Create docbook file. Actually rewrite bachelor thesis into docbook
Write assigment file Write assigment file and upload it to github

Name of task: Assigment 3
Percentage: 80%

Subtask Description
Get to know the assigment. What I need to actually do - write it down.
Create xml presentation. Actually write a presentation with structure in xml.
Create XML Schema XML Schema as its more powerful than DTD.
Create Transformations XHTML+CSS first, then, if I have enough time, PDF-XSL:FO.