Hello and welcome to my site!

My name is Jan Čegiň

I'm a student at The Slovak University of Technology - Faculty of Informatics and Informatic Technologies. I am currently studying in my 3rd year and finish my bachelors degree (hopefully this year).

I am also a Junior Java Developer (warping into a Full Stack) at Danubesoft, working on projects like GalaxyPig casino and 1spinmillionare.

Other than that I am a devoted roman catholic who likes tradition of the church, when I have time, I like playing games (Grand Strategies FTW!), Watching TV series(WestWorld, Taboo, Game of Thrones, Legion, Daredevil, Young Pope,...), movies and learning new things.

So if you want to learn more about me click here. Or just use the nav menu above :smile:. Below you can find contacts on me, so contact me or check me on other sites!